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 Spoedige rentree Gravenstijn onzeker

HAMBURG - Het is nog onzeker of Deborah Gravenstijn volgende maand haar rentree op de judomat kan maken. De nummer vijf van de Olympische Spelen van 2000 heeft van vrouwenbondscoach Marjolein van Unen het advies gekregen niet overhaast te werk te gaan. Gravenstijn herstelt van een schouderblessure.

De 28-jarige vice-wereldkampioene in de klasse tot 57 kilogram kampt al sinds de Europese kampioenschappen van mei 2002 met de kwetsuur. Gravenstijn zou 15 en 16 maart in Praag haar comeback maken, maar dat toernooi en ook Rotterdam een week later komen mogelijk te vroeg.

"Het komt er op neer dat ik te veel wil", zegt de Rotterdamse. "Ik doe veel krachttraining, maar de fijne judo-afstelling is nog niet goed. Mijn deelname aan Praag en Rotterdam is niet zeker. Misschien dat ik pas tijdens de open Engelse mijn voorbereiding op het EK in mei begin."

Bron: De Telegraaf


geplaatst door 9h7zpgvpiGJ 3/9/2014
I think VULs were created by inrcnasue companies banking on the success of mutual funds and the bullish market so they can attract new and old investors to their inrcnasue products again.Firstly, if you have life inrcnasue already, I don't think you need to get another one through a VUL. If you need something for retirement then you can invest directly through mutual funds or UITFs. Like what's written in the report, only part of the premium is set aside for the INVESTMENT part of the VUL. You'll get more if the whole premium is used to buy the INVESTMENT and this can be done through a Mutual fund / UITF / Bonds.Second, there is another product that inrcnasue companies sell. It's an inrcnasue + pension plan. It's similar to the VUL where in your money earns dividends yearly. The dividend rate however is quite low and comparable only to Treasury bond rates. It's like a VUL with the investment portion invested in FIXED INCOME FUNDS. There's no option to invest it other types of investments. If you have this type of inrcnasue already then I don't think you need a VUL as well. But if you don't have this and you're considering a pension plan then a VUL might be better because you can shift the investment part to possibly earn more. But note that the earning potential of VULs is not guaranteed some responsibility is left to the buyer. If you leave it in Equity based investments and the stock market falls, you could end up with just the guaranteed face value of your inrcnasue and nothing more. Lots of financial instruments/products are being created by financial institutions to complicate matters and keep the investing public confused! We must all learn to ask the right questions so we can be well informed of our investing decisions.Just realized that this is a great topic to write about. Will be sharing my insights about this more on my blog soon.

geplaatst door e91k7mqYV 3/10/2014
I, too, think this should have been clsfsiaied as reckless driving. Perhaps it can be appealed. If killing someone by making a driving error isn't reckless, what is? In other words, one needs to take driving seriously and pay attention and use good judgement. I have know idea what the teen was doing in this case, but it's hard to imagine that the car swerved on its own. [url=]lndrglohxk[/url] [link=]mofqxu[/link]

geplaatst door 0O4OYZjQA 3/12/2014
Wat heerlijk dat je er weer bent. Ik was op vatnkaie, en had even gemist dat je naar het ziekenhuis moest. En wat lekker dat je goede uitslagen mee naar huis kreeg. Rust goed uit en heel veel beterschap. Groetjes Antoinette [url=]ifxtnubwcp[/url] [link=]emonjboofag[/link]


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