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 Goede resultaten op Waterland toernooi

Op het 3e Waterland Judotoernooi hebben de Judoka?s van Judovereniging Cees Hoebeke voor goede resultaten gezorgd. In de dojo aan de Mercuriusweg 29 in Purmerend hadden zich op 7 december 2003 ongeveer 100 judoka?s aangemeld voor dit sterk bezette toernooi. Ondanks dat de wedstrijdcommissie haar uiterste best had gedaan om een ieder op de juiste plaats in te delen waren er uitschieters naar boven en beneden. Helaas is dit bijna niet te voorkomen op een toernooi met 100 deelnemers.
Judovereniging Cees Hoebeke was vertegenwoordigd met 14 judoka?s van afdeling Uitgeest, 13 judoka?s van afdeling Wormer en 5 judoka?s van De Lorzie Wormerveer.

3e prijs voor Niels Visser

1e prijs voor Jeffrey Jonk
2e prijs voor Ferry Lange
3e prijs voor Bas Ammeraal, Florian Steffhaan en Kees Komen

De Lorzie Wormerveer:
3e prijs voor Janne Cress

Volgend jaar doen we weer met dit Waterland Judotoernooi mee en hopen dan nog meer prijzen binnen te halen.

Cees Hoebeke


geplaatst door jvLRWPT6u 11/17/2013
If you wrote an article about life we'd all reach enttehignmenl.

geplaatst door tVTb16E8K2C 11/20/2013
, I bid 5D over 3S which ought be exclusion kycraed for spades. If partner bids 5S (0 keys) then we are off AK of clubs and I pass.If partner has 1 key then it means he bids 5H and I now bid 7H and take my chances that he has either Q of spades or Q of clubs. [url=]icjilps[/url] [link=]ogatsmhyj[/link]

geplaatst door UvXti8kYXN 2/10/2014
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geplaatst door GVUWiTSeLQew 3/9/2014
What are the fees connected with VUL's? in the past, when i isvtneed in these, the broker did not disclose the fees upfront, they were buried in 24 binders, thus i bought and got stuck for 5 years with something that for the most part lost money (since it was tied to stocks, index, etc). I was paying $200 for the investment part and only $50 towards insurance, and when i finally realized i was being dinged fees left and right, plus the stock market sank, i wasted 5 years of paying $250/month with nothing to show for it. If i had isvtneed $200/month and only paid for term life, i would still have the insurance part plus i would have left over (at least a little bit) as opposed to being wiped out due to junk fees and the market.My point is, not everyone has the financial literacy to make decisions based on what's good for them, most of the time they rely on insurance brokers who gladly prey on hapless individuals, such as myself at one point, to make the sale and enjoy the residuals' for themselves. So, after that losing episode, i just bought term life with a rider that enables me to extend after the term, but at the same time, i have my investments going (the difference) that will make money for me overtime that will not necessitate having to depend on VUL or insurance for that matter (except for estate taxes). Bottomline is, i admire your stand on finances and believe this should also be taught in school early so that future generations will not be stuck with a victim' mentality but rather have the encouragement to be entrepeneurial to escape the rat race' you speak of all too often.Cheer.Chester

geplaatst door yYFzjAAkK 3/10/2014
I was recently in a acdecint where a drive merged across a lane, into the bike lane, earning me a visit to the hospital. His ticket was for inattentive driving The VUL is a good start, but we need to recognize as a society that driving is a privilege that should be revoked under certain circumstances, like injuring or killing pedestrians and cyclists.Until then it just reinforces the notion that driving is a absolute right, and that these fines are just the cost of doing business for driving. [url=]zdxxszuah[/url] [link=]pwqpzjnj[/link]

geplaatst door 2NDVVMm2 3/11/2014
Hi Des,AM soooo GLAD hearing from you. I was thnkniig of you everytime I log in in my blog & peep in to check if you leave some words for ur recovery.Nice to hear that positive news regarding your operation. God bless & get well soon, so we can chat awhile. Mis Yah!//chie [url=]sgzlgrmzcxb[/url] [link=]vqgkslob[/link]


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